Last Minute Airfares

Last minute airtfares are airplane tickets that you buy very late in the usual process of booking flights. They can be bought for almost any destination in the world, either one-way or round-trip, and can sometimes be purchased on the same day as the flight. Last-minute airfares usually carry a lower fee, since the plane the companies are trying to book might not be full. That is great news for you as a consumer and/or frequent flyer. If you're on a budget, and you're looking for last minute travel deals go to websites like Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz, and other low fare airline sites. On these sites you can check for last minute airfares.

When you booking a low airfare at the last minute, you are taking advantage of seats on flights that have been marked for low fares. Try booking on Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday before 7 am and after 7 pm, because the passenger volume is low during these times. Also, try to be flexible on your dates of travel - go when seats are available if possible.

Besides Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz and, try other travel sites like, and airlines like Southwest and Jet Blue. Check sites often, flight discounts can occur at any time, and if you see a flight you like, book it immediately, as they can disappear within minutes of posting.

On some sites like, you bid on a price, much like you would on an auction site. You won?t know the airline or the time of the flight until your bid has been accepted.

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