Flights Enjoy culture, economic and Cool and holidays in European cities

If you are looking for cheap holidays to European cities this fall will be spoiled for choice, '. There are many spectacular places to visit on our continent to enjoy many different activities and discovery of many cultures. In autumn, the cooler climate, is a good time to go and explore the different cities of Europe.

If only occasionally, but cool city break then you should visit Berlin. There is so much to discover in this lively and dynamic city with its excellent mixNight clubs, bars, restaurants and historic monuments. Berlin has a cool relaxation that is hard to find in any other European city. If you are trying to access the famous nightlife of Berlin, then go to the famous Watergate club, on the River. Here you will find a mix of genres, but is known for its techno music. For those who tell us to chill out after a night of drinking, a river cruise on the river are. For an insight into the history of Berlin, head of the famousCheckpoint Charlie, or take a trip to the East Side Gallery. Here is a specific part of the Berlin Wall to be seen with constantly changing graffiti. Holidays and flights to Berlin are incredibly cheap, so you use it, and visit this beautiful city.

There is something for everyone - as an alternative to the Spanish city of Madrid, where you can enjoy all the doors of the bullfight to shopping to art galleries. Visit El Rastro market on Sunday morning to enjoy theLocal products of the first in a nearby tapas bar. Art lovers will be very happy in Barcelona, hosted by the works of some of the greatest artists of the world in the Spanish capital. Visit the enjoyment of the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, the works of Salvador Dali, Federico Lorca and Pablo Picasso.

Another popular destination is the European Milan in northern Italy. This is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world with unique culture, cuisine and cathedrals to enjoy. L 'imposing Gothic architecture gives the city a unique atmosphere that shows the rich history of the city. Leave the city without visiting the huge cathedral, the largest of its kind in the road manager of the Royal Palace to the cathedral's most precious artifacts. Do not leave Milan without a visit to the greatest work of Da Vinci in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie - The Last Supper. This is one of the most important religious paintings in the world, andamazed by the vastness and complexity of the famous. With so many deals in Milan, there really is something for everyone.

If you are trying to leave the cheap this fall, stay in the continent's culture and see some amazing sights, and architecture. You certainly will not be disappointed with a stay in one of Europe.

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