Tips for finding cheap flights

These are not listed in paragraph format, making it easier for you to read to the end. Of all the online reviews I wrote are my main points to observe.

Book in advance

The best way to find cheap flight there will be one for early booking. Do not wait until the last minute, otherwise "charged last minute fees, which usually exorbitant. Before you book, the better. Try 10 weeksAdvance if you can.

Travel mid-week

The best time is mid-week. That is, from Monday to Thursday. After that, you can very expensive. I think the weekend rush hour, when everyone on the road - if you want to fly, cheap weekend to avoid SA.

Making flights

One thing is certain - direct flights are expensive. This happens with the convenience of flying direct. If you Find the best flight and then not even think about direct flights.

Travelling in winter

If anything then compared the flights in summer and winter, we know that in winter the prices are cheaper. This is because off-peak winter in South Africa, which is considered half of the year, as we are in the southern hemisphere.

Travel at night

In fact, nearly all flights are overnight flights. However, there are daysFlights>, you must avoid when you fly cheap. However, it is best to compare these flights only if it is offered discount flights through the day.

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